Montic Bungee Winches

Princapally the winches are designed for the lowering process of the bungee jump. This means the cord shall be attached to a load point above the winch with a 2 m (7ft) or longer load sling. The winch cable shall have stack when jumping. After the jump the winch shall lift the jumper to take over the load and the load sling may be disconnected in order to begin the descend.

K5 (available in 3 versions)

1. Standard winch with one motor brake.
To activate manueal decend in the event of electricity loss two persons are required.
One operator needs to pull a handle, which will disengage the disc brake. The second person controlls the speed with a hand wheel, wich also allows lifting for a short distance. If the winch starts running to fast just let go of the handle and the winch will stop.

2. Standard winch with an automatic descend mechanism. IN the event of electricity loss a button is activated and the load will sink to the ground controlled with slow speed without interaction of an operator. the system works with a back up battery inside and centrifugal brake. This winch does not allow lifting in the event of power loss.

3. Standard winch with a manual handle on the side. In the event of electricity loss the switch between motor and manual operation is the one with the black ball and can be operated by one person. The load is taken over by a second independent brake and can be lifted and lowered controlled. Should on brake fail the second one can be activated by turning the leveler.

Licensed according to BG Standart (TÜV) Germany

Type K5 Planetary gearbox
Power 1,9 kW/3phase/480V
Lifting capacity 250 kg
Holding capacity 630 kg
Speed 34 m
Running time / 10 min. 40%
Brake system 1 oversized disc brake
Cable 6 mm (1900 kp min break force)
Weather protection IP54 outdoor use
Operation panel Non permanent Up/Down/Emergency Stop
Cable capacity 1. winding 29,2 m
Cable capacity 2. winding 61 m
Mounting space 420 mm x 400 mm
Width / length incl. motor 777 x 783 x 415 mm height

1. Break release wheel (allows slow lifting + manual descend - slide through)
2. Centrifugal brake fast controlled slide through
3. Manual operation system fast controlled manual lever operation

Mittelweg 31 C - D-20148 Hamburg - Germany
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